This blog is obviously all about style and mainly fashion, which of course segues into shopping. But I think there might be a misconception about the author of this blog- ahem, me- and I thought it might be time to clear the air.
I am by no means a shopaholic but I am addicted to style. This place serves as a creative outlet for me and it's my hope that you enjoy plugging in a time or two a week. With Pinterest, the blogosphere and Instagram, inspiration abounds and Savoir-Flair is the place where I keep all of my crazy thoughts organized. The clothing, accessories and decor pieces I choose to display on this blog are sometimes total fantasy pulls and other times more practical, i.e. sometimes expensive and sometimes cheap. Let me be very clear that I certainly do not own every single piece I discuss here and do not always intend to buy or end up buying what I suggest. These items are pieces I pull for fun. They are meant to inspire you and me to work with something we might already own in a new way or, if we're lucky, they can be great additions to your wardrobe or home should you be looking to spend some money!

Fashion is supposed to be fun. Blogs are supposed to be fun. Blogs about fashion should therefore be the most fun! I absolutely love discussing this blog with my friends, family and even people I've never even met in person. It's so wonderful to make connections over a creative outlet. But please don't mistake my suggestions for spent money. I did not publicize this fact because, frankly, it's not anyone's business but I have not been "shopping" since November 14 when a local store offered 25% off everything and I had a gift certificate to that store. Since then, I have only paid bills and bought food and fuel. (Even my Christmas shopping was done before then!) Maybe that doesn't sound like a long time to you and I certainly don't owe anyone any explanations about my own personal finances. I just want to be clear that writing this blog is how I fantasy live, not actually live. I don't always WANT things but I still post here because someone else might be on the hunt or might need inspiration.

Okay, enough of all that. When you ARE ready to go shopping, here's my advice:
Only buy the things you looooove. If you buy what you love, then you will keep it forever. If you just kind of sort of like it, then you may grow tired of it and won't get the most for your money.
Buy quality pieces. You don't need a closet full of clothes. I'd rather have two nice tops than 10 crummy ones. If you buy one nice top in spring and fall, then over a few years, you'll have a lovely collection of great pieces.
Look out for sales, coupon codes and markdowns. If I can avoid paying full price, I absolutely will.
But beware the snap decision. Every once in a while, you'll feel an urgency to buy because a deal is going to expire. Take 24 hours to decide if you really need an item or not.
Eat beans. Make sacrifices when necessary. That is just good discipline.
If you've made it to this point, thank you for sticking with me! Obviously this post isn't the norm around here. I love getting feedback from readers and I am going to do my best to scout out great buys. They won't always be affordable but they will be awesome.