Friday, January 18, 2013

Pin Me Maybe

Happy Friday!!! Let's keep it light today, shall we? After the stress of yesterday's car and house insanity, Friday feels like passing "Go" and collecting $200...without collecting that $200.

So are you on Pinterest? I am and I would love to follow you! This site offers a multitude of information and inspiration but I find that it's hard for me to find people I like. Luckily, the site has started recommending pinners based on our pins but I'd love to know if you're out there from you. Please leave me a comment and let me know. I'll try to keep my pins high quality and interesting for you.

Happy Weekend!! 


  1. I tried to find you on Pinterest but had no results when I searched! You might be private maybe? would love to follow! Happy weekend!

    1. Oh how weird! I'll check into that and see if I can figure out why I didn't pop up. Thanks for letting me know!!!

  2. i pin now and then and would like to follow your pins as well. my pin profile name is annekun. i'll try and find you but maybe you can post a link?

    1. I'll look for you Anne! Let me see if I can figure out what is going on with my account. Thanks!

  3. Replies
    1. So weird! I'm already following you. Can you see me in your followers?


Thanks for stopping by Savoir-Flair. I look forward to reading your comments!