From "The Devil Wears Prada"
Do you ever get stuck in a style rut? What do you do to get out of it?
I know Mercury is in retrograde this month. Does that hinder my creativity as well as my technology??
I blame this hot as hell summer. My life has become a battle against one bad hair day (my Moroccan oil has surrendered to the humidity), a closet full of nothing to wear, shirts that smell like b.o. and dresses/skirts/pants/shorts that my butt irons creases into every time I sit down. Don't even try to get comfortable on my leather car seats. They will burn your tail right up!

via Delialicious
Friends, I turn to you. What's a girl to do? Do you have a go-to, cute "I give up" outfit. My clothes seem to have abandoned me. Last week, wearing underwear to work actually crossed my mind. I tried getting a make-over at the Bobbi Brown counter, but make-up melts off right now anyway...
If only Nigel could step in and save me...
welll since i don't have an office to go to I can easily get away with it. I rock some comfy navy jcrew shorts and a white t-shirt about 3 times a week. I mix it up with different shoes and jewelry and hope no one notices...
ReplyDeleteNice idea- comfy and cozy and cute. I think part of my problem is that I've lost my navy shorts. Yesterday, I found a good pair of Seven cutoff jean shorts on super sale, so I caved. Maybe that will help?? In the meantime, maybe I'll just concentrate on my house since my wardrobe seems to be a lost cause!