Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Night Night Fairy

Families' Christmas traditions are part of what makes the holidays so fun. Some traditions are old, some are new and some are just plain timeless.

My family happens to practice one of the best and most creative Christmas traditions of all time...but I might be just a liiiiiittle bit biased. Every year, on the night of the 23rd or Christmas Eve Eve, the "Night Night Fairy" pays a visit to everyone in my parents' household delivering fancy pajamas and little extras for us to open on the morning of Christmas Eve. The Night Night Fairy's true mission is to supply her loyal subjects with nice "night nights" to wear while opening presents Christmas morning.

However, the Night Night Fairy's mission has gradually grown into also providing a little holiday bling. When we were little girls, the extras from the Night Night Fairy came in the form of small trinkets- goofy toys, fancy notebooks, fun socks- but as we got older, the extras became jewelry! So while the mystique of the Night Night Fairy has faded over the years, the excitement still remains. This year, the Night Night Fairy asked me to put in a few requests to get her started...

The Night Night Fairy tends to be quite generous. Look out, Santa Claus!

What fun traditions does your family have?? 

1 comment:

  1. The Night Night Fairy is delighted to have made your blog!!!!! She always worries she will disappoint, but you girls have always been so gracious and loving that that never seems to happen. She loves you so very much and reminds you that she will see you very soon. Sorry guys, no bling for you!!!

    Love and kisses,
    The Night Night Fairy


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